Saturday, August 29, 2015


Have you ever looked at or read a word until it lost all meaning?  No matter how much you try it just doesn't seem to be spelled correctly, and your eyes start to glaze over.  That happened to me when trying to get my bookmarks listed on the website, but I'm completely okay with temporarily being able to read any word with 'book' in it in exchange for getting this online.  It's so pretty!

There are still two more days to take advantage of my August sale.  Check out Marci's Chain Designs on Facebook for details and the coupon code, and like my page to get updates on the latest happenings with my chainmail.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It's hot. Really hot...

I'm so glad the weather is cooling off this week.  Fall's not here yet, but for this week I'll be able to mow the yard without dying from heat stroke.  C'mon fall, I'm ready for you!

In the meantime, I'm back at it and getting ready for upcoming shows.  I've refilled the earring racks with new designs and some really crazy cool VCR parts, and have been working with a neat new celtic knot charm design that I think you'll really like.  There's another order on the way as well, and I can't wait till the new parts get here so I can jump in on some new pieces.  Yay for new stuff!

In September I'll be back at Sycamore Shoals with the Upper East TN Celtic Festival in Elizabethton on the 12th and 13th, and at Big Stone Celtic in Big Stone Gap VA on the 26th.   I have an application in for a new show in October that I'll tell you more about if I'm accepted, but aside from that I'm still looking for shows and Celtic events.  I need more more great shows before year end, so if you know of or are part of anything that could use a dose of chainmail, email me or send a message on Facebook and let me know.