It's been a very busy week so far. I have two projects that I have been working on, the second Dragon and some new decorated coasters. For these coasters I have started with a slightly different style of tree, making it a bit more intricate than my originals. I like them both, but I think the originals are my favorites. Today I plan to finish the first coaster set and will be able to seal them and the base for the Dragon. I'm very excited about finishing up these new projects!
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
It's a scramble!
Ever have one of those months instead of one of those days? That's been me lately! Good news, a new dragon is in progress and I'm hoping to have it completed either before the Celtic Festival in Elizabethton this weekend. It's a scramble... But short of sacrificing quality I'm going to do my best to have it ready! In addition to the usual chainmail fare this will be the first show where I have my tree art on display, and I've been trying to sort out the best way to make the booth look inviting and exciting. If you're planning to come out this weekend, I'd love to hear what you think about the new items. Stop by to say hi, and do a little shopping. Also, don't forget to check back on the Facebook page for new events and items!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Lots of Celtic festivals are coming up
I'm just back from Gencon, and it was a great and much needed vacation. Now that I'm back home, I'm in a bit of a scramble with getting ready for the shows coming up. There are several good Celtic events coming soon in the area, including...
Sept 6 weekend - Upper East TN Celtic Festival in Elizabethton
Sept 27 - Big Stone Celtic in Big Stone Gap, VA
Oct 25 weekend - Celtober in Asheville, NC
If you'd like to find out more about any of these I have links to each on the Events section of my Facebook page. Check them out, and stop by to see the chainmail and tree art while you're there. Mention seeing this blog post for a discount on your purchase at any of these shows.
Friday, June 20, 2014
A foray into beading
The last two weekends have been incredibly busy with the Davy Crockett show, and then three days driving to Asheville for WNC Celtic. Normally a long show like that would wear me out, but thanks to my friend Danielle I had a partner in crime to make it all bearable. She does beadwork, and we had an opportunity to work together on several pieces together. I'll have these listed on Etsy soon, but if you see a pair you would like before they are listed, please let me know and I will get them to you.
The baby dragon traveled with me to Asheville this weekend, and everyone fell in love with him. He was so popular in fact, that I believe he needs a little brother. Or maybe sister. Either way, there will be another baby dragon in the works very soon.
Saturday, May 31, 2014
I'm a bum...
I took a long Memorial weekend and went out of town, and as a result have gotten absolutely nothing new done in chain this week. I did book a couple of new shows though. Today I'm at the Spring Fling at Mountain View on 107, and next Sat and Sun I'll be over at Davy Crockett for the Appalachian Craft Fair.
I'm still working on ideas for my wood project, and found some gorgeous pieces of Spalted wood. Originally I'd thought I would paint these discs, but the patterns are too beautiful for me to mess with. I'll have to save the painting for something plain and boring.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
A new project is afoot.
This week I have stepped away from chain mail and jumped into woodworking. My home is surrounded by trees, and after one fell last week I decided it would be a fun idea to do something with the leftover wood besides just burning it. I pulled out my trusty saw and started playing around with a few ideas. As you can see, the table on the porch is covered in small wooden disks, drying and waiting to become something unique and beautiful. If everything goes to plan, in the next two or three weeks I will have a few pieces of wood art to go along with my usual chain mail fare. Stay tuned for updates on how this one turns out. I'm very excited about it.
Friday, May 16, 2014
The baby dragon is flying again!

If you're a long time follower this little friend of mine may be familiar to you from my Facebook page. He was my second attempt at working with chainmail as sculpture, and traveled with me until I discovered he wasn't strong enough to stand outdoors in the wind. A made a temporary home for him on my living room table, but last month decided it was time for him to travel again and fortified him with a stronger back. Now he's a very happy little dragon, and will be going on the road with me this year. Stop by at a show to check him out.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Welcome to the new blog!
I'm very excited about cleaning up the website and starting a new blog here! If you're unfamiliar with my work, go to From there you'll be able to visit my store and get more info from my Facebook page. I'm looking forward to being able to share a lot more of the behind the scenes and fun things about my work and the business.
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